TMG Think Tank for Sustainability


Expert Dialogue: Exploring pathways for governing food systems transformation in Kenya

An expert dialogue to gain practical insights into the multi-level and multi-actor dynamics of governing food system transformation and to jointly explore and address key issues hindering its effective governance in Kenya.

Expert Dialogue: Exploring pathways for governing food systems transformation in Kenya

Navigating the multifaceted complexities of food systems governance demands collective and new ways of thinking. TMG invites selected experts with different but complementary experiences and perspectives to address persistent challenges in transforming Kenya’s food systems.

The dialogue provides a platform for an interactive exchange in a lab format. Participants will be encouraged to jointly explore and experiment with ideas and address well-known challenges using thought-provoking methods. The case of extension service systems serves as an intriguing starting point for a joint analysis. As a pars pro toto case, extension service systems encapsulate challenges such as the coexistence of different advisory systems, the lack of accountability mechanisms within service delivery, and the question of how to effectively reach the most marginalized, which are emblematic of governance issues in transforming Kenya’s food systems? Additionally, the role of development partners, especially German development cooperation, in supporting the governance of food systems transformation in Kenya will be part of the workshop’s discussion. 


20.06.24 - 21.06.24


TMG Research


Nairobi, Kenya