TMG Think Tank for Sustainability
From Watershed Development to Ecosystem-based Adaptation: A journey to systemic resilience

Working Paper

From Watershed Development to Ecosystem-based Adaptation: A journey to systemic resilience

Written by Devaraj de Condappa, Larissa Stiem-Bhatia, Arjuna Srinidhi, Marcella D’Souza, Dada Dadas and Crispino Lobo

This report synthesises the findings of case study research in two villages in Maharashtra, India, examining the effectiveness of Ecosystem-based Adaptation measures and the conditions that enabled its implementation at community level.

Full citation: de Condappa, Devaraj; Stiem-Bhatia, Larissa; Srinidhi, Arjuna; D’Souza, Marcella; Dadas, Dada; Lobo, Crispino, (2021). From Watershed Development to Ecosystem-based Adaptation - A journey to systemic resilience. WOTR. TMG Research gGmbH.

Published on 2021-03-31