TMG Think Tank for Sustainability
A review of the participation of smallholder farmers in land-based carbon payment schemes

Working Paper

A review of the participation of smallholder farmers in land-based carbon payment schemes

Written by Yvonne Tamba, Joshua Wafula, Christine Magaju, Ermias Aynekulu, Leigh Winowiecki, Bruno St-Jacques, Larissa Stiem-Bhatia, Cristina Arias-Navarro

This paper highlights approaches for smallholder engagement, identifies key barriers to participation, and outlines options to enhance farmers’ agency.

Full citation: Tamba, Y., Wafula, J., Magaju, C., St-Jacques, B., Stiem-Bhatia L., Arias-Navarro C., Aynekulu, E. and Winowiecki, L., 2021. A Review of the Participation of Smallholder Farmers in Land-based Carbon Payment Schemes. TMG and ICRAF Working Paper

Published on 2021-11-23