Food Systems Transformation (FST) requires effective governance mechanisms that coordinates diverse stakeholders. To this end, experts from Cambodia, Ethiopia, India, Kenya and Malawi representing government, civil society, youth, farmer organizations, and the private sector came together to analyze FST governance and concluded that governance is more than government. Governance should aim to create an enabling environment that empowers all stakeholders, especially marginalized and vulnerable groups.

The 'Partners for Change' network meeting, hosted by the German Ministry for International Cooperation and Development (BMZ), focused on assessing the impact of German-funded initiatives on sustainable FST and developing innovative policy recommendations in anticipation of the UN Food System Summit (UNFSS) Stocktaking Moment. In this context, a side event of the expert group formed at the GFFA, further explored the implementation of FST governance with a focus on inclusive transformation.

The 2021 UNFSS emphasized national pathways to drive FST. The National Agriculture Summit (NAS) in Kenya, organized by ASNET, the main private sector agrifood coordination structure in Kenya, aims to enhance collaboration between the public, private, and non-governmental sectors. With a commitment to "leaving no one behind," the Summit identified ten key action points for intervention to achieve FST. The first point established that stakeholders from academia, civil society, the private sector, consumers, and the government would convene on a monthly basis in an innovative dialogue platform aimed at fostering conversations among all stakeholders.

The 2023 UN Food Systems Summit +2 Stocktaking Moment will provide opportunity for stakeholders to examine and discuss the progress of food system transformation. A side event titled „How to re-set the table” will focus on challenges and opportunities for civil society actors and marginalized groups to shape the respective governance. High ranking inputs e.g. from German State Secretary Jochen Flasbarth (BMZ) and the UN Special Rapporteur on the right to food Prof. Michael Fakhri underline the urgency to find appropriate ways of including often neglected groups on eyelevel in policy making.

Inclusive Governance of Food Systems Transformation: Empowering Food System Actors