TMG Think Tank for Sustainability

Many smallholder farmers in Kenya feel their interests are under-represented in agricultural policy-making processes. The existing farmers’ associations lack effective mechanisms for engaging with policy makers. What is needed is a platform to connect farmers with policy makers, like a Governor’s Day with Farmers!

Why a Governor’s Day with Farmers?

A Governor’s Day with Farmers is a novel approach proposed and hosted by the Kakamega County Government, the Kakegma County Farmers Association (KACOFA), TMG Research (sustainability think tank based in Berlin with a research wing in Nairobi), and GIZ Kisumu. The idea of a Governor’s Day with Farmers emerged from consultations undertaken between 2016 and 2018 between institutional stakeholders of the agricultural sector and farmers in Kakamega County. These consultations underscored several key challenges. Agricultural extension services are not adequately reaching farmers. In addition, the current extension system lacks a mechanism that allows farmers to assess and give feedback on extension agents’ performance and the impact of their services on farmers’ livelihoods (such as the ability to manage their soils sustainably, mitigate household food security).

What to expect from the Governor’s Day?

As an annual round-table event, starting on 22nd of February 2022 at the Bukura Agricultural Training College, the Governor’s Day with Farmers aims to foster accountability of public agricultural policymakers to farmers. It provides a platform through which farmers can directly interact with the county’s top policymakers, contribute to the design of county agricultural programmes and projects, and provide feedback on performance of the sector in relation to farmer support, especially for the most vulnerable. As the country’s first-ever Governor’s Day with Farmers, it is expected that Kakamega County will set the pace for the other counties by providing lessons on how farmers can proactively engage with counties’ top decision-makers.

The Governor's Day with Farmers is hosted by the Kakamega County Government, KACOFAShibuye Community Health Workers and TMG Research.

Governor’s Day with Farmers (Kenya)

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TMG Think Tank for Sustainability consists of TMG Research gGmbH, an independent, non-partisan, non-for-profit organization registered in Berlin (District Court Charlottenburg, HRB 186018 B, USt.-ID: DE311653675) and TMG - Töpfer, Müller, Gaßner GmbH, a private company registered in Berlin (District Court Charlottenburg, HRB 177576 B USt.-ID: DE306832549).

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