The evidence is clear, there can be no just transitions towards climate-resilient and land degradation-neutral landscapes without securing the legitimate land tenure rights of those who live and work on the land.
Jes Weigelt
TMG Research
Together with the Robert Bosch Foundation, we organised two events to gather perspectives on how to strengthen rights-based approaches in the ongoing food systems and climate change discussions.
The first event, entitled "Climate Resilience through the Right to Food: Perspectives from the UNFSS" addressed the right to food as an important entry point for transforming current unequal, and unsustainable development pathways. The interactive panel sessions explored how to reshape African-European dialogue to help accelerate the transformation towards more climate resilient landscapes “that work for people.” Taking the perspective of African smallholder farmers and pastoralists who are among the most severely affected by the impacts of accelerated climate change, highlighted why a rights-based approach is a critical link in implementing nature-based solutions that enhance sustainable livelihoods while protecting the environment. The session concluded by outlining some insights for the UN Food Systems Summit (UNFSS) process, especially considering growing concern that the Summit may not achieve its fundamental goal of transforming our broken food systems unless it takes on board the perspectives of key stakeholder groups.
The second event, entitled "Tackling the climate implementation gap: Are rights the “missing middle”? built on preceding discussions that highlighted the importance of the progressive realisation of the right to food to achieve climate resilience. It brought together speakers from the human rights, climate, research, and development cooperation sectors to further explore how international partnerships can help galvanise more inclusive climate governance at the national and sub-national levels in Africa.
- Events
- 2
- Publications & Articles
- 8
- Speakers
- 21+

Featured Event
Land-Food-Climate: Tackling the climate implementation gap
Are rights the “missing middle”?

Event Programme
Land-Food-Climate: Tackling the climate implementation gap
Programme for the forthcoming event, Land-Food-Climate: Tackling the Climate Implementation Gap
Written by TMG Research, Robert Bosch Stiftung
Published on Oct 06, 2021

Event Programme
Land - Food - Climate: A TMG - Robert Bosch Foundation Event Series
Programme for the forthcoming event, Land - Food - Climate : An African-European Dialogue on Climate Resilience
Written by TMG Research, Robert Bosch Foundation
Published on Aug 31, 2021

IISD releases summary report on Land-Food-Climate discussion

Hunger, Land and Gender: Webinar report

TMG and Robert Bosch Stiftung host second event in the Land-Food-Climate series