Land Rights and Gender Responsive Climate Action - Africa Climate Week Event
The seminar further aims to identify existing synergies and strengthen partnerships on the ground to secure and advance women’s land rights for sustainable and climate-resilient landscapes.
The Strategy Workshop on Women's Land Rights and the Rio Conventions, held in Berlin in July 2023, shed light on both challenges and opportunities for advancing women’s land rights and the land rights agenda across the three Rio Conventions. An important pillar in this context is the work of the Conventions’ National Focal Points (NFPs). However, the overall alignment and coordination of their work is often complicated by institutional silos, a lack of coordination mechanisms, differences in terminology, and a complex structure of focal points within and across the three Conventions.
Building on the insights of the strategy workshop, TMG Research is organizing a seminar during the Africa Climate Week in Nairobi. The seminar discusses both challenges and opportunities as perceived by National Focal Points and Gender Focal Points in their efforts to bridge between the Conventions and national implementation. Through an open discussion among designated focal points and other stakeholders, the seminar further aims to identify existing synergies and strengthen partnerships on the ground to secure and advance women’s land rights for sustainable and climate-resilient landscapes.
If you are interested in attending, please contact Moritz Hauer:
Zoom link: Meeting ID: 823 9202 6238
Passcode: 937861
16:00 - 18:00 (UTC+2)