TMG Think Tank for Sustainability


True Cost Accounting Networking Event at Biofach 2023

Building on the growing momentum for True Cost Accounting

Biofach – the global organic food fair – is a wonderful place of inspiring stories and action exclusively focused on sustainability. It is a place to connect, co-create and network with like-minded people and institutions.

We are therefore delighted to invite you to our very first True Cost Accounting (TCA) Networking Event at Biofach 2023. The aim is to gather idea-givers, communicators, experts, and other interested actors and stakeholders to further advance awareness and strengthen the application of TCA approaches across our sustainability endeavours.

We are Olivia Riemer from the TMG Research gGmbH and Amelie Michalke from the HoMaBiLe research project of the University of Greifswald. We have been working in the field of TCA for many years and are highly motivated to support the alignment of diverse TCA initiatives to enable greater leverage in policy and practice. We’re looking forward to building on the growing momentum for TCA in synergy and collaboration with you.




08:45 - 10:00 (UTC+1)


TMG Research




Hybrid (Online and Messe Nürnberg)

True Cost Accounting Networking Event at Biofach 2023