TMG Think Tank for Sustainability


UN Commission on the Status of Women: Social digital tools safeguarding women's land

A discussion about the relevance of the digital tool Haki Ardhi for women to report incidences of tenure rights violations and GBV

The violation of women´s tenure rights frequently entails gender-based violence and impacts both women´s economic and social security as well as their mental and physical health. State institutions are often not sufficiently aware of these rights violations and lack capacities to respond to them. This session highlights an innovative approach enabling women to report tenure rights violations and GBV to trusted community-based actors through a social, digital reporting system which is currently being piloted in Kenya. The Haki Ardhi rights reporting tool enables efforts for improving responses and policies of state and community institutions towards gender equality and empowerment based on near real-time data. 

March 11 Haki Ardhi Launch Side Event


11.03.24 - 10.03.24


TMG Research

Kenya Land Alliance

Rainforest Foundation UK

Huairou Commission


New York, USA

UN Commission on the Status of Women: Social digital tools safeguarding women's land
Credits: Kenya Land Alliance (KLA)