Firewood - the blank space in the debate on food security
A TMG contribution to Fachjournal Welternährung

A recent article co-written by TMG researcher Harry Konrad Hoffmann and Johannes Michael Hafner from the Leibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung (ZALF) published in the Fachjournal Welternährung sheds light on "the other energy crisis", namely the availability of firewood for cooking. The authors argue that availability and access to fuelwood is an essential but little-noted cornerstone of food security for nearly 40 per cent of the world's population and propose pathways for actors to contribute to food security.
Read the article here [in German].
Cover picture caption: Packaged charcoal in a village in the DR Congo. Production is mostly a by-product of deforestation, but for many rural dwellers it is part of their livelihood. © Molly Bergen/WCS, WWF, WRI via Flickr