TMG Think Tank for Sustainability
Media Coverage

The release of the State of Food and Agriculture (SOFA 2023) flagship report

TMG was a member of the advisory board to the SOFA 2023 team and authored a background report on the relevance of True Cost Accounting (TCA) for the private sector.

The release of the State of Food and Agriculture (SOFA 2023) flagship report
Source: FAO. 2023. The State of Food and Agriculture 2023. Revealing the true cost of food to transform agrifood systems. Rome.

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has released its 2023 flagship report, State of Food and Agriculture (SOFA2023), analysing that the hidden costs of global agrifood systems amount to at least $10 trillion, almost 10% of global GDP.

"This is just as much as the hidden costs caused by it. The fact that the FAO is publishing this for the first time is a powerful signal that we need a fundamental change in our economic system," the article quotes Alexander Müller, founder and managing director of TMG.

Read a German interview with the Tagesspiegel on this topic here

Originally published at Tagesspiegel