TMG Think Tank for Sustainability

Integrating food sensitive planning and urban design into urban governance actions

An analysis of the scales and concepts of governance and urban food systems, with an eye to the role of societal and community-level agency in disrupting current models of urban food governance

Oct 27, 2022

Integrating food sensitive planning and urban design into urban governance actions

TMG’s Urban Food Futures programme closes its scoping phase with a series of reports summarizing the main insights lying the foundation for the next phase of action research. This working paper, written in collaboration with partners African Centre for Cities (ACC), FACT and Muungano AMT, argues that for the progressive realization of the right to food in urban settings, food sensitive planning and urban design must be integrated into urban governance actions. Findings from Ouagadougou, Nairobi, and Cape Town indicate the necessary steps that need to be taken toward more food-sensitive planning: clearly defining the mandate to govern urban food systems by national and local governments; drawing from community knowledge and experience for strategic thinking around food systems, and politicizing urban food system issues to create the momentum needed in holding relevant authorities accountable.

You can read the full paper here.

Photo credit: Luke Metelerkamp, TMG Research.