The 50th session of the UN Committee on World Food Security (CFS 50) convenes against the backdrop of a deepening cost of living crisis not seen in more than a generation. There is growing consensus that while urgent measures are needed to get food to those who need it most, only fundamental transformation will tackle the underlying structures that drive our unequal and unsustainable food systems.
In its recent report, Note on Critical, Emerging and Enduring Issues for Food Security and Nutrition, the CFS High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition (HLPE-FSN) observed that while there is wide agreement on the need to transform food systems “… questions of power asymmetry, inequality, diverging economic and political interests and geographic variability are intertwined in debates about how best to evaluate, manage and implement food systems transformation.”
In the wake of the last major food price crisis in 2008-2010, more than 140 CFS member states endorsed the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Forest and Fisheries (VGGT). The Guidelines made the critical link between the fundamental human right to food and the means to achieve it, through ensuring secure access to land and natural resources for those who are most dependent on these resources.
CFS 50 marks the 10th anniversary of the VGGT. It therefore draws acute attention to continuing failure by the global community to tackle entrenched economic, social and political structures to achieve the overarching objective of “the progressive realization of the right to adequate food.”
With a central focus on the link between human rights and land rights and what insights we can draw for the governance of the food system, TMG will contribute to several CFS-related side events.
3 October (Pre-CFS event): Third Multi-Stakeholder Meeting on the governance of early warning systems and early action. This TMG-led discussion will build on analysis of the recent desert locust upsurge to explore emerging data-driven governance models to mitigate against new transboundary threats and build more resilient food systems.
6-7 October (Pre-CFS event): A Decade of the CFS VGGT: assessing progress and enhancing accountability: TMG will host a session on how to strengthen accountability for responsible land governance, and contribute to discussions on monitoring, evidence and data on the second day of this FAO-led high level event.
12 October [CFS Side Event 14] Human rights in global land acquisitions and agricultural supply chains: Global frameworks and human rights due diligence. TMG's work on a human-rights based monitoring tool, the Human Rights and Land Navigator, will be featured at this event.
13 October [CFS Side Event 31]: Unlocking the potential of the VGGT through Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN). Co-organized by a consortium of UN technical agencies and land governance institutions, this CFS side event will launch the technical guide produced by the UNCCD and FAO on integrating the VGGT into land degradation neutrality programmes to strengthen tenure security, particularly for the most vulnerable groups.

Working Paper
Scientific Linkages Between Climate Change and (Transboundary) Crop Pest and Disease Outbreaks
Paving the way forward for improved crisis governance
Written by Alexander Müller, Adam Prakash, Elena Lazutkaite, Mark Davis, Ahmed Amdihun and Jully Ouma
Published on Aug 10, 2022

Info Brief
Transforming food systems from the bottom up
How locally developed social innovations can strengthen enabling environments for soil restoration
Written by Larissa Stiem-Bhatia, Jes Weigelt and Kader Baba
Published on Jul 13, 2022

Info Brief
Securing land access for smallholders
How a community-led process is strengthening leasing rights in western Kenya
Written by William Onura, Serah Kiragu-Wissler, Larissa Stiem-Bhatia, Washe Kazungu, Violet Shivutse and Doreen Magotsi
Published on Jul 13, 2022

Working Paper
An unfolding global hunger crisis?
The developed world must share their grain reserves with countries in need instead of producing biofuels and meat!
Written by Alexander Müller, Adam Prakash and Elena Lazutkaite
Published on Jul 07, 2022

Technical Guide
Technical Guide on the Integration of the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security into the Implementation of the UN Convention to Combat Desertification and LDN
TMG contributed to this technical guide that aims to inform policy and decision makers on the potential and means whereby which legitimate and secure tenure can accelerate progress towards LDN and other restoration commitments.
Written by FAO, UNCCD, TMG Research
Published on Jun 01, 2022

Working Paper
The Human Rights and Land Navigator: Strengthening responsible land governance
Introducing the Human Rights and Land Navigator, an online database that links the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests (VGGT) to binding human rights standards
Written by Ilse Pelkmans, David Betge, Elena Müller & Jes Weigelt
Published on May 11, 2022

Working Paper
True Cost Accounting and Dietary Patterns: A Strategy for Transformative Food Systems
An analysis of the true costs of sustainable and healthy food and how True Cost Accounting, TCA can be argued for – and what political asks can be phrased from it – starting from the vantage point of sustainable diets.
Written by Michael Hamm, Olivia Riemer, Alexander Müller, Kathleen Merrigan
Published on Feb 02, 2022

Event Programme
Land-Food-Climate: Tackling the climate implementation gap
Programme for the forthcoming event, Land-Food-Climate: Tackling the Climate Implementation Gap
Written by TMG Research, Robert Bosch Stiftung
Published on Oct 06, 2021

Our food system needs crisis proofing. Start with windfall tax

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