TMG Think Tank for Sustainability

BIOFACH – the global organic food fair – is a wonderful place of inspiring stories and action exclusively focused on sustainability. It is a place to connect, co-create and network with like-minded people and institutions. This year we want to use the BIOFACH to connect with you over True Cost Accounting and discuss what is needed for a successful transformation of agri-food systems.

Under the guiding theme of “Organic. Food Sovereignty. True Prices”, the BIOFACH Congress 2023 will explore the role of organic production for food security and sovereignty and explore potential solutions through True Cost Accounting.

In collaboration with diverse partners, TMG will host and co-host two sessions looking at how to advance the transformation of agri-food systems and the development of True Cost Accounting as a tool to manage deeply interconnected food challenges and current crises.

On Wednesday, 15 February, 9 am CET, TMG and HoMaBiLe will co-host a hybrid networking event on True Cost Accounting. The aim is to gather idea-givers, communicators, experts, and other interested actors and stakeholders to further advance awareness and strengthen the application and alignment of TCA approaches across the diverse TCA initiatives to enable greater leverage in policy and practice.

On Thursday, 16th January, TMG and Misereor will co-host an official session of the congress to discuss how businesses can measure, report, and record social and environmental performance and damage. The coalition agreement of the German government provides starting points for the development of financial instruments for more sustainability. True Cost Accounting, which takes into account human, social, and natural capital in the annual financial statements of companies, is an approach that supports these undertakings.

The two events are underpinned by a series of research reports to be launched in March 2023, titled, FORESEE (4C) – The Transformation of Agri-Food Systems in Times of Multiple Crises (4 Cs: Climate, Covid-19, Conflict, Cost of externalities). This body of work was developed in the framework of the project on the Assessment and Communication of Climate Impacts of Food (CLIF) which is funded through the International Climate Initiative (IKI) of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV).