Climate-SDG Integration Project
Supporting synergistic implementation of the Paris Agreement and SDGs through ecosystem approaches
The consequences of the climate crisis, along with biodiversity loss, and the accelerated degradation of ecosystems, are affecting societies in ways that are much more severe, and multifaceted, than previously predicted. While an integral part of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), global collaboration on climate issues has historically developed in parallel to the 2030 Agenda, culminating with its own global framework, the 2015 Paris Agreement on climate change. In spite of governments’ concerted efforts, however, it is increasingly clear that the global community is unlikely to achieve most targets under both agendas, especially in light of the unprecedented impact of the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. Furthermore, it is not clear how Nationally Determined Contributions strategies under the Paris Agreement interact with different SDGs, and what adaptation measures best enable achievement of both.
The Climate-SDG Integration project aims to develop a better understanding of this interaction, and of the role Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) could play in strengthening synergies across the two frameworks. Human-centred, and nature-based EbA measures, such as restoration and preservation of micro-watersheds, sustainable forest management or mangrove restoration are examples of win-win strategies that can help countries effectively scale up climate change adaptation measures, while meeting the goals of environmental conservation, and socio-economic development.
This project entails a series of inclusive and participatory multi-stakeholder dialogues at both the local and national/ state levels in Guatemala and India, through which TMG Research and its partners seek to identify promising EbA initiatives. An important aspect of these processes is to identify the enabling environment within each country that contributed to such success. The project brings together key decision-makers and experts from government, private sector, civil society, international cooperation, and research institutions, to discuss lessons learnt from these local experiences that can be further scaled up, or applied to other contexts. These stakeholder dialogues are expected to contribute to building the required political, and societal support for EbA at the country level, and have culminated in the joint development of roadmaps for scaling EbA in Guatemala and India.

Ecosystem-based adaptation can help India address its hunger problem

"Land tenure rights are critical for soil protection"

Ecosystems for resilience: Enabling community-led adaptation - Five key insights from Guatemala and India

Invitation to review "Policies for Agroecology" report

Ecosystem-based Adaptation: Perspectives from Guatemala

From Watershed Development to Ecosystem-based Adaptation: A journey to systemic resilience

Info Brief
Ampliación de Adaptación basada en Ecosistemas. Lecciones de la India y Guatemala
Resultados del "Proyecto de integración del clima y los ODS"
Written by Larissa Stiem-Bhatia, Marai El Fassi, Arjuna Srinidhi, Amelia Coj e Ana Victoria Rodriguez
Published on Dec 17, 2021

Info Brief
Upscaling Ecosystem-based Adaptation. Lessons from India and Guatemala
Outcomes from the "Climate-SDGs Integration Project"
Written by Larissa Stiem-Bhatia, Marai El Fassi, Arjuna Srinidhi, Amelia Coj and Ana Victoria Rodriguez
Published on Dec 17, 2021

Ecosistemas para la resiliencia - Propiciando la adaptación dirigida por la comunidad: Cinco conceptos claves de Guatemala y la India
Un informe que pone de relieve las condiciones favorables en las que la Adaptación basada en Ecosistemas puede aplicarse eficazmente a nivel comunitario
Written by Larissa Stiem-Bhatia, Marai El Fassi, Devaraj de Condappa, Jes Weigelt, Lucía Benavides, Wangu Mwangi, Edgar Selvin Pérez Pérez, Amelia Coj Sajvin, Rita De León, Marcella D’Souza, Arjuna Srinidhi, María Amalia Porta, Ana Victoria Rodríguez
Published on Sep 30, 2021

Ecosystems for resilience, Enabling community-led adaptation : Five key insights from Guatemala and India
A policy paper highlighting the enabling conditions under which ecosystem-based adaptation can be effectively implemented at community level
Written by Larissa Stiem-Bhatia, Marai El Fassi, Devaraj de Condappa, Jes Weigelt, Lucía Benavides, Wangu Mwangi, Edgar Selvin Pérez Pérez, Amelia Coj Sajvin, Rita De León, Marcella D’Souza, Arjuna Srinidhi, María Amalia Porta, Ana Victoria Rodríguez
Published on Sep 29, 2021

Concept Note
Hojas de ruta para escalar la Adaptación basada en Ecosistemas: perspectivas desde Guatemala e India
¿Cómo escalar los enfoques sistémicos para la adaptación al clima? Aprendiendo de las experiencias en India y Guatemala
Written by TMG Research
Published on Sep 05, 2021

Concept Note
Roadmaps for scaling up Ecosystem-based Adaptation: Insights from Guatemala and India
How to bring systemic approaches for climate adaptation to scale? Learning from experiences in India and Guatemala
Written by TMG Research
Published on Sep 05, 2021
- Adaptation Nov 04, 2021
Scaling and Financing Ecosystem-based Adaptation
Scaling and Financing Ecosystem-based Adaptation
- Adaptation Sep 22, 2021
Roadmaps for scaling up Ecosystem-based Adaptation: Insights from Guatemala and India
Roadmaps for scaling up Ecosystem-based Adaptation: Insights from Guatemala and India
- Adaptation Apr 22, 2021
Ecosystem-based Adaptation: Perspectives from Guatemala
A short film showing different perspectives from Guatemala about what Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) can mean
- Adaptation Mar 22, 2021
Lecciones aprendidas Adaptación basada en Ecosistemas (AbE) en Guatemala
Live recording of event on ecosystem-based adaptation in Guatemala, 18 March 2021 (in Spanish)
- Adaptation Jun 12, 2020
Building alliances for Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) in Guatemala
A short film showing the importance of building alliances for Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) in order to upscale nature based solutions more broadly
- Adaptation Jun 12, 2020
Creando alianzas para la Adaptación basada en Ecosistemas (AbE) en Guatemala
This video shows the importance of building partnerships around Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) as a way to scale up nature-based solutions in general