Esther Mwaura-Muiru
Esther Mwaura-Muiru serves as the Global Advocacy Director for the Stand for Her Land (S4HL) campaign, a global initiative that is building a movement to advance women’s land rights. The main mission of the campaign is advocating closing the implementation gap for women’s land rights. Previously, she served as the Global Women Land Rights Manager at International Land Coalition and as the Founder and National Coordinator of GROOTS Kenya (Grassroots Organizations Operating Together in Sisterhood), a grassroots women movement of more than 3000 self-help groups from rural and urban communities living in poverty across Kenya. Esther is passionate in championing the power, voice and agency of women and girls living in poverty and margins of development to exercise and claim their human rights. To her, ensuring that women and girls have resource rights to women including land tenure and control of valuable assets is an important gateway for the world to achieve economic justice, food security, end violence against women & girls, deal with climate and environmental disasters and thus laying an important building blocks to achieve sustainable development. Esther is a trained social planner with over 27years demonstrated expertise in gender, governance and development. She has led the development and managed numerous transformative community led models in various sectors including health, land, agriculture, water and climate change.