TMG Think Tank for Sustainability


True Cost Accounting as a Tool for Food Systems Transformation under Climate Change Conditions

A policy toolkit for building healthier, more sustainable and resilient agri-food systems

The convergence of four crises: climate change; COVID-19; conflicts; and associated high food costs call for a "whole of system" response to reorient and transform agri-food systems towards more inclusive, sustainable and resilient pathways. Held as part of the first-ever food system day at a negotiating session of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), this session will showcase the contribution of True Cost Accounting (TCA) approaches towards a more coordinated and holistic response to the climate and food crises.

The policy-oriented discussions will delve into how TCA approaches can be applied to a specific agri-food challenges, including:

  • the need for anticipatory action to better manage transboundary threats such as drought, or invasive pests and diseases;

  • how to build more resilient food production systems at the local level; and

  • possible pathways towards healthy, sustainable and affordable diets.

TCA is an innovative tool that provides a holistic understanding of the relationships between agriculture, food, climate change, biodiversity, and human well-being and provides a systemic approach to assess, measure, and value the positive and negative impacts of food systems interventions. TCA helps to better manage the complexity of today’s challenges and enables the identification of what needs to change in food systems to allow a nutritious, socially just, sustainable and climate-friendly diets for all.

This event is co-hosted by TMG Research, WWF, TCA Accelerator and the Global Alliance for the Future of Food.




16:00 - 17:15 (UTC+2)


TMG Research


TCA Accelerator

Global Alliance for the Future of Food


Hybrid (Food4Climate pavilion and online)



Facilitators & Co-Hosts
Related Documents
True Cost Accounting as a Tool for Food Systems Transformation under Climate Change Conditions