TMG Think Tank for Sustainability


Hunger, Land and Gender: Making Women’s Land Rights a Reality

1st webinar in the "Hungry for Change: The Politics of Hunger in the 2020s" event series

This event, the first in the series Hungry for Change: The Politics of Hunger in the 21st Century, co-facilitated with the Heinrich Boell Foundation calls attention to the inequalities and injustices which characterise women's access to land, connecting this theme to the problem of hunger and the global goal of achieving zero hunger by 2030, enshrined in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

In every region of the world, women are at greater risk of food insecurity and hunger than men. As is identified in the SDGs, secure land rights for women are a necessary prerequisite for the eradication of poverty and hunger, and the establishment of gender equality. In a similar spirit, the first international land governance standard, the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries, and Forests (VGGT), calls upon states to ensure equal tenure rights and access for women and girls regardless of their civil or marital status. There are many intersections between the SDG and VGGT with states’ existing obligations under international law, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: decision-makers at all levels should be held accountable to these obligations.

This webinar explores the potential for linking the political struggle for women’s land tenure security to the broader arena of human rights advocacy. Bearing the need for political action in mind, the webinar emphasizes sharing insights and lessons learned from actors and organisations who currently apply human rights-based approaches in their work in various national and international contexts. The emphasis on practical lessons raises a number of questions for discussion including: what are the preconditions for the success or failure of human rights-based approaches; what possibilities are there to improve or support existing work with such approaches; how can lessons from case-specific successes be transferred to other contexts?

Source: 'Power, Poverty, Hunger', TMG Research / Heinrich Boell Foundation

Event Recording
  • Hunger, Land and Gender: Making Women’s Land Rights a Reality

    Webinar recording of the first event in the series Hungry for Change

    Oct 13, 2021




15:00 - 16:30 (UTC+2)


TMG Research

Heinrich Boell Foundation



Facilitators & Co-Hosts
Related News
Hunger, Land and Gender: Making Women’s Land Rights a Reality

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