TMG Think Tank for Sustainability


UN Commission on the Status of Women: the Nexus of Food Security, GBV & Addiction

A discussion to explore the relationships between gender-based violence, food security and addiction.

The Turkish Green Crescent Society (TGCS) and TMG Research's Urban Food Futures programme, alongside partners Callas Foundation and Heinrich Boell Foundation South Africa, will host a parallel session to explore the intricate relationship between gender-based violence (GBV), food insecurity and addiction. We speak from two geographical perspectives – Turkey and South Africa, highlighting the role of addiction as a risk factor and exacerbating factor in GBV and scrutinising the role of hunger in urban low-income areas as a factor for GBV. Both examples will make a strong point to our common thread: Breaking the Cycles.  

The parallel session has a strong research component. Relevant data from the Green Crescent Counseling Center (YEDAM) and Green Crescent Rehabilitation Centers will be shared to demonstrate the complex interplay between the two issues. The TGCS actively intervenes in GBV cases involving addiction, mobilizing YEDAM and Green Crescent Rehabilitation Centers to collaborate with the Violence Prevention and Monitoring Center (ŞÖNİM). The ongoing psychosocial and health support initiatives aimed at both victims and perpetrators of GBV will be detailed. The discussion emphasizes the holistic perspective necessary for addressing addiction issues within the context of gender-based violence. 

Additionally, the intersection of GBV and food security will be addressed, exploring how GBV exacerbates food insecurity, particularly affecting women and marginalized communities. The dialogue will delve into the root causes, systemic barriers, and propose informed policy recommendations and innovative solutions. Strengthening food hubs, especially community kitchens, will be emphasized as transformative spaces fostering safety, community building, and information exchange. These hubs serve as safer spaces, promoting inclusivity, breaking down societal barriers, and addressing issues such as health, education, and employment. Through shared meals, community kitchens become environments for unpacking shame and addressing underlying issues contributing to vulnerability, including GBV. 




TMG Research

Callas Foundation

Heinrich Boell Foundation Cape Town


Turkish Green Crescent


New York, USA

UN Commission on the Status of Women: the Nexus of Food Security, GBV & Addiction

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